

            Do you know Ancient Greek Heroes? You will know if you are a myth lovers. I will explain a little about what is Ancient Greek Heroes. Ancient Greek Heroes is a heroes from ancient period in Greek. They came from many background. They were from king’s family, god’s ancestry, even from ordinary people. They led the people to war or helping villager from dangerous. In the ancient greek, many beliefs said that they lived so many monsters and creepy creatures. That’s the heroes task for defending the people from that period.

            Here, I want to give you a little information about Top 5 Ancient Greek Heroes that from many beliefs they were exist.

1. Hercules

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         Hercules is one of the famous Ancient Greek Heroes. He was son of Zeus. He was tasked for complete 12 labors for being immortal as the gift. He was poisoned by her wife before he finished the labors.

2. Perseus

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          Perseus was an Ancient Greek Heroes that known by his bravery to cut off Medusa’s head. He was son of Zeus and great grandfather of Hercules. He died of old age.

3. Theseus

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          Theseus was a king of Athens that known by slaying minotaur. He was son of Poseidon. He died in exile.

4. Odysseus

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Odysseus was the king of Ithaca that known from Odyssey. He was the most famous person in Trojan War and has blinded Polyphemus’s eyes.

5. Achilles

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          Achilles was the son of Tethys that has a big role in Trojan War. The legends said that he was invulnerable except on his heel. He died in Trojan War by shooted on his heel.

          So, that is all from me! What heroes do you favorite on the top? Comment it! See you in next post..

See also my previous post :

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